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Zhaowei is pronounced as "Ju" (as in judge) + "ou" (as in out) + "Way"; Zhang, or Cheung in Hong Kong, is "Ju" (as in judge) + "on" | audio ([International Phonetic Alphabet, IPA]) here: [tʂɑuwei][tʂɑŋ].
I am currently a Ph.D. Student at Institute for AI, School of Intelligence Science and Technology, Peking University. Specifically, I am in the group of PAIR-Lab led by Prof. Yaodong Yang. The long-term goal of my research is to find a way to build a controllable, trustworthy, and social AI system. To this end, my research focuses on AI Alignment and Multi-Agent System. In particular, I am currently quite interested in investigating AI risks and their governance (both technical and socio-technical aspects), which includes exploring the social impact of LLMs, Game Theory in human-AI systems, and controllable AI alignment algorithms. I welcome more friends to discuss these topics with me ☺️.
Before entering PKU, I received my B.E. degree of Computer Science and Technology from School of Computer Science at Wuhan University in 2023.